Hat~Ebay/Dress~Mod Dolly/ Socks~Primark/ Shoes~JuJu
I came down to Devon to visit my parents and to participate in the much anticipated egg hunt that takes place every year in my garden. You are never too old to go hunting for chocolate. I have a few favourite places I like to visit when I go home and the grounds of these beautiful gardens seemed like a perfect place to take some snaps.
This dream dress of gingham and girliness is from the ever beloved Mod Dolly, Literally as soon as I saw this dress was going to be made I was so excited to purchase it. I love everything about it and will definitely be a popular item in my wardrobe this summer. It also matched my jelly shoes perfectly, I just love going over the top with colour co-ordination, I can't help it :) .
Hope you have all had a lovely long bank holiday weekend, I would love to hear what you have been up to.