Flower Crown~DIY/ Dress~Topshop(sale)/ Vanity Case~ Vintage/ Watch~c/o JORD
November the first, I cannot believe it! I hope you all had a spooky Halloween and lots of sweets :)
I have been meaning to post this for a while, but after my little holiday to Amsterdam I have only just found the time.
Autumn is really upon us and there is nothing like a Sunday stroll through the leaves and crunching through the colours of crimson and mustard.
I was gifted this watch from JORD in the summer and thought it was fitting for it to match my outfit as it is entirely made of wood. They have very unique designs and are very environmentally friendly! Nature should always come first :)
On another note, I have begun writing my first proper book. After a long while of writers block and feeling like everything I had scribbled down was just awful...I finally feel like all my ideas are coming together.
Christmas is drawing ever closer, oh where has 2015 been running off to?
Lots of Love