Beret~Vintage/ Blouse~Zara/ Skirt~H&M/ Necklace~C/O Good Looking Objects
Hello my sweets and a very warm welcome to September....well not so warm if you live in England, but more on that later.
September has always been the month I have enjoyed the most, May and March come pretty close, but this month always seems to top them all. I love the change in season, how the trees turn into wonderful autumnal shades, beautiful root vegetables come into season and there is still enough warmth in the air to hang your washing out. Unfortunately, so far this month the weather has been pretty awful here, very windy and rainy, but hey ho- you've just got to make the most of the sunny patches.
My eyes had been on this Zara blouse for a pretty long time, I kept seeing it crop up on Instagram and I even bypassed it in store a couple of times, uming and ahhing over it and deciding whether to wait until pay day or not. Luckily enough, by the time I got my mitts on it, it was already in the sale and I couldn't have been more chuffed.
I also got a very exciting new piece of jewelry to add to my collection this month, a very sweet gift from one of my new favourite brands Good Looking Objects. This little bronze hand has been the cherry on top of my outfits recently and I love how it goes with every single thing I pop on. Its witchy vibes are also a huge plus for me.
I am off to Bulgaria on Saturday, I am so so excited to go somewhere completely new and different. A week to relax in the sunshine like a reptile and climb some mountains. I am sure I will have a whole album of pictures to show you on my return.
Lots of love always