A big warm welcome to August, with a big basket of hydrangeas and a very, very greasy fringe (my apologies). This time of year my hair just seems to love to stick to my face.
Another few weeks have passed and it seems that life is continuing on the up and up. The fields are growing crops quicker by the day and despite the on and off rain, the vibe around seems positive and bright.
I picked up this red number in New Look of all places, not my usual stop-off point when I'm having a good old shop, but I thought I would have a browse- Oh, boy am I glad I did.
It was on an ever so warm day and I was desperately, clanging through the rails looking for something less clammy and heavy to wear than the leather jacket and jeans I was donning on that day. This crimson treat caught my eye and low and behold it was also in the sale, a very sweet treat. It has all the feels of a vintage piece, but with as couple more buttons and a cheeky slit up the side. Paired with my favourite beret, I went off to pick some wild flowers with my mum.
I need to actually start doing more with all of the dried flowers I have poking out of every crevice in my room.If anyone has any suggestions or DIY ideas then I would love to hear them.
Just a quick post today, as I am about to catch up with the new series of Game Of Thrones- yay!
I have an updated room tour post/ video in the pipeline, so hopefully that will be up soon :)
Lots of love always

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